How ‚bout them apples?

How ‚bout them apples? There are well over 150 years of legends surrounding Johnny Appleseed. He’s a man famous for wandering thousands of miles on foot planting apple orchards in what’s now the U.S. midwest before Europeans settled it.  Unlike some U.S. folk heroes like Paul Bunyan or John Henry, Johnny Appleseed was a real person. But, of course, there are some very big differences […]

Chocolate-covered scorpions

Chocolate-covered scorpions In Germany, June and July are primetime for local festivals called variously Kerb, Kirmes, Jahrmarkt, and plenty of other regional names. The hallmarks of these events are unhealthy comfort foods, rides and games for kids and adults alike, and a range of entertainment up on a stage. While some towns in the U.S. have yearly celebrations similar to what you can find in Germany, they’re nothing […]

Let your pride flag fly

Let your pride flag fly Here we explore two interesting things related to LGBTQIA+ history, and below you can learn 1) how the word “gay” went from meaning “happy” to referring to people attracted to those of the same gender and 2) who created the rainbow flag associated with Pride.   Where does the word “gay” come from? Eight […]

Are birds actually singing death metal?

Are birds actually singing death metal? We’re over a month into spring in the northern hemisphere, and the trees and meadows are bursting into bloom, the sun is getting ever warmer, and the daylight hours are lengthening – but you know all that already. In today’s Learning Nugget, we cover two interesting topics related to this hopeful season that you’ve likely never thought about before.  Why the […]

A voice that built bridges

A voice that built bridges At the start of the war Russia is waging on Ukraine, a Ukrainian opera singer named Yuriy Yurchuk made headlines performing his country’s national anthem in front of the Prime Minister’s home in London, England. Another Ukrainian opera star sang the anthem on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in New York before a big performance. […]

The 900 year old nun

The 900 year old nun Since 1987, the U.S. government has recognized March as Women’s History Month. In the decades since, ever more countries have made Women’s History Month a part of their societies. In Germany, Berlin has observed International Women’s Day – March 8 – as an official holiday since 2019. During this time of celebrating women’s accomplishments, we wanted […]

Fancy dress and jelly doughnuts

Fancy dress and jelly doughnuts Why the birds sing In certain regions and cities in Germany, Carnival (Karneval, Fasching, or Fastnacht) is a much-anticipated time of year, but it’s not as well-known in many English-speaking countries. Here, you can learn a little about the celebration’s history as well some interesting and important things to know when talking about it […]

The witch and the red envelopes

The witch and the red envelopes Many of us have just finished a season of gifts, a time when we offered and received things meant as small symbols of our care for others or theirs for us. Though presents are a part of all human societies, every culture gives them in their own special ways. Below we take […]

The History of Blackbeard the Pirate

Blackbeard: The world’s most famous pirate In this month’s Learning Nugget, get to know the story of that notorious outlaw of the high seas and learn how an argument about his most famous ship went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court just last year. On November 17, 1718, the dreaded pirate Blackbeard met his end near Ocracoke […]

Learning Nugget October 2021

Money doesn’t grow on trees, but in 2021, trees are money  Lumber used in construction, toilet paper, printing paper – you may have noticed that they’re currently all more expensive than you’re used to. This is because wood prices have gone way up in 2021.  During the summer, they rose over 80% compared to the […]

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