The family that broke taboos

The family that broke taboos „The Simpsons“ first aired as a stand-alone show in 1989 and is the longest-running animated sitcom of all time. There are more than 760 episodes, with more to come in 2024 and 2025. The yellow family of five are part of a multi-billion dollar franchise that has inspired generations of […]

A walk in the Past

A Walk in the Past Large trees, benches, a playground, and a picnic table or two spread out across an area with mown green grass. None of us would be surprised to find a space like this in any town or city nowadays that was free for anyone to enjoy.  But it wasn’t too long […]

A big mystery

A big mystery The pilot and her navigator were flying over the Pacific Ocean looking for the 2.6-square-kilometer Howland Island. They needed to stop there for fuel as they completed the last quarter of their nearly 47,000-kilometer flight around the globe. The pilot sent a message to a ship awaiting their arrival saying the sky […]

The real Casanova

The real Casanova Why is the word „Casanova,“ which literally means „new home“ in Italian, associated with lust and physical love? It’s because a man who lived in the 1700s named Giacamo Casanova wrote a nearly 4,000-page memoir that’s famous worldwide for its descriptions of his many sexual encounters. In 2010, France’s national library bought […]

A young physicist is re-writing history

A young physicist is re-writing history When Jess Wade isn’t „investigating spin selective charge transport through chiral systems,“ as her faculty page at world top 10 university Imperial College London says, you’ll often find her changing the face of scientific research. Or, really, faces. Wade, age 35, has a passion for diversifying STEM (science, technology, […]

English for Everybody

English for Everybody Diese Seminartage sind für diejenigen geeignet, die sich privat oder beruflich in Englisch wohler fühlen wollen. Sollten Sie schon länger nichts mehr mit Englisch zu tun gehabt haben, Sie fühlen sich im Umgang mit der Sprache eher unsicher oder wissen nicht genau, wie Sie am besten den ersten Kontakt knüpfen, dann lernen […]

Professional Excellence Seminar (2024)

Professional Excellence Seminars Miteinander füreinander – so wird heute kommuniziert Mastering Business Mastering Communication Damit Kommunikation Menschen verbindet In unseren Professional Excellence Seminaren verbinden wir Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Unternehmen, Fachrichtungen und Ländern, die miteinander füreinander neue Kommunikationswege entwickeln und über sich hinauswachsen wollen. Zusammen beleuchten wir nicht nur die Perspektive des Einzelnen, sondern auch des […]

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