“What can be better than being in harmony with nature and your environment?” asks Beatrice

Already in her early childhood Beatrice experienced nature at first hand. She learnt what it means to be surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, banana plants, the rainforest, to walk through countryside filled with exotic wild creatures, to hear the sea, to feel the warmth of sunshine and the drenching power of tropical rain. Beatrice spent her early years on the island of Madagascar where her family lived and worked. For her it was normal to spend most of the day outside, usually barefoot , playing with her two sisters and the local Malagasy children. Hospitality played a key role at home and new arrivals and friends were always welcome, not only to celebrate birthday parties, but also to help each other out: there was a great feeling of community spirit.
The family returned to Germany before Beatrice started school. As Beatrice grew up she never lost her interest in other countries and her passion for travel and adventure. When she was in secondary school she took the chance to stay with her relatives in Boston, USA. Here she attended an American high school where her self-confidence and independence grew.
In her early twenties Beatrice married and had two sons. She enjoyed the pleasures and challenges of bringing up her children. Alongside her duties as a mum, she also tutored, undertook translation jobs and worked at trade fairs for international companies. In addition, she had close connections with Britain helping friends in London with their busy fresh fish retail and delivery service. As her boys grew older, she decided to study English and Spanish at the University of Applied Sciences and graduated as a qualified translator.
Having worked for various language schools devising training plans, managing multicultural trainers and leading study trips to Britain, Beatrice felt the desire to change something in her life; at this point she was looking for more purpose and meaning. As an innovative, inspirational and motivated person she wanted to change the attitudes which people have towards learning a language and to find new and exciting training methods. Beatrice believes that “Everybody is able to learn a language – it is not a matter of age and time – but a matter of attitude and willingness.”
So she had the idea to set up her own language school and TIP TOP English was born! Ten years on she has a flourishing business with fantastic language trainers who are committed to exploring and developing teaching methods which make learning fun, memorable and successful. The combined skills, experience, expertise and spirit of the team makes TIP TOP a very special and individual language school. As the founder of TIP TOP English, Beatrice is thankful to her trainers for their commitment and is proud to offer English to the world in a fun, different and effective way.