Listen and learn: Three great podcasts

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Listen and learn: Three great podcasts

One of the hardest parts of learning a language is understanding it when it’s spoken by native speakers at their natural speed. In classrooms and training sessions, the English you hear is often slowed down and simplified because instructors want to make sure everyone understands them. So if you don’t speak with native speakers on a regular basis, it’s important to look for resources that can help you practice this important skill.

While there are many video streaming platforms like YouTube and Netflix that offer English content, a lot of our students have said they look for things they can listen to while driving to and from work or working out. That’s why this month we’re recommending three podcasts that give you a chance to hear native English speakers while also being thoroughly entertained.



What’s a podcast?

Podcasts are essentially radio shows, but they are available for download onto your smartphone or other digital devices so you can hear their episodes anywhere you go. While some podcasts are also radio shows, many only exist digitally and are never played on the radio.

Because we know interests vary widely, we tried to pick three very distinct podcasts to recommend below. Really, the only thing they have in common is that they’re all outstanding at what they do, so if you like the topic, you’re likely to enjoy the podcast, too.


Recommendation #1: Planet Money

An English saying is “Money makes the world go ‘round,” and it’s hard to deny how much the economy affects everyone’s day-to-day life and plans for the future. If you think a podcast about economics would be way too boring to keep you interested, Planet Money will likely surprise you.

What Planet Money does is take complicated, little-known, or simply interesting concepts dealing with finance or the economy and make them easy to understand by connecting them to interesting real-life stories. For example, to report on all the complicated international connections used to create clothing, the Planet Money team actually got a large order of t-shirts made. Through several episodes, they follow their t-shirts on their journey from being cotton in a field to an Indonesian yarn-maker to a textile production company in Bangladesh. Listeners feel connected to the story all while learning a lot about the many industries that help create the clothing we wear each day.

If you’re interested in great, surprising stories and practicing your financial English, give Planet Money a try.


Recommendation #2: In the Dark

It’s not a secret that people love a good crime story, and the two seasons of In the Dark tell very, very good ones. The stories the show tells are completely true and extremely well reported.

The first season is about a boy from Minnesota who went missing, and, despite a lot of evidence linking one man to the disappearance, the mystery wasn’t solved for 27 years. The season also looks at how high-profile missing child cases generally have had huge and lasting effects on the U.S. legal system.

The second season has some of the best crime reporting done in the modern era. In Mississippi, there’s an African American man named Curtis Flowers who has been in prison for over two decades for murdering multiple people at a furniture store. But there’s quite a bit of evidence suggesting Flowers didn’t do the crime, and even more that his trial was unfair. Flowers has won many appeals because of this, but for all this time the same prosecutor has made the decision to keep him in jail and try him again and again. Flowers has now been tried six times for the same crime.

Anyone who finds crime stories fascinating but also wants to think while hearing them will love In the Dark. Just know that in season two there are people with accents from the southern U.S. that will take a little getting used to.


Recommendation #3: Duggan Hill

This recommendation is very different from the other two. While the others teach you something while telling their stories, Duggan Hill is purely for enjoyment. It’s an audio drama, and its whole point is to keep you intrigued by its story.

Set in Canada, each episode follows a woman named Zoe who is investigating the mysterious disappearance of her friend Sasha. Her search leads her to a small town, and the more people Zoe talks to in the area, the more it seems like the whole town is hiding something. If you’re looking for a mystery story that has some supernatural elements thrown in, Duggan Hill could be your perfect podcast.


How can I find these podcasts?

To get these podcasts on your mobile device, you simply need an app that gives you access to podcasts. For Apple products, Apple Podcasts is one of the most popular, and for Android a good option is Podcast Addict (though there are a whole lot more). Try downloading whichever podcast app seems best to you and then just look for the titles above to begin listening.

If you have any questions for us about these or would like other recommendations, feel free to send us an e-mail or a message on Facebook.



at their natural speed – in ihrer normaler Geschwindigkeit

slowed down – verlangsamen

working out – trainieren

to recommend sth. – etwas empfehlen

to be thoroughly entertaining – ist durchaus unterhaltsam

played on the radio – im Radio gespielt werden

interests vary widely – Interessen sind sehr unterschiedlich

distinct – verschieden

all outstanding – alle ausgezeichnet/ alle außergewöhnlich

it’s hard to deny – es ist schwer zu leugnen

economy – Wirtschaft

likely surprise you – wird Sie vermutlich überraschen

deal with – handeln von, behandeln

journey – Reise

yarn-maker – Garnhersteller

go missing – verloren gehen

despite – trotz, ungeachtet von

evidence – Beweis(e)

to link – verbinden

disappearance – Verschwinden

huge and lasting effect – groß und anhaltender Einfluss

two decades – zwei Jahrzehnte

to suggest – vorschlagen

win/won/won appeals – Berufungsverfahren gewinnen

prosecutor – Staatsanwalt

to try s.o – jemanden vor Gericht stellen

getting used to – sich an etwas gewöhnen

to be very different from – sich stark unterscheiden von

to keep s.b. intrigued by – jemanden durch etw. laufend neugierig machen

supernatural elements – übernatürliche Elemente

to throw in – einwerfen

questions for us – Fragen an uns

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